My recaps of 2017
Traditionally, it is always interesting to look back and sum up achievements for the last year. Without a doubt, 2017 was a busy year that gave me not too many events but it was very productive and I was engaged in the development. Under NorrNext and RoundTheme brands we have released new products to be described below.
Our top extension called NorrCompetition got 7 editions. A lot of new features were implemented to make contests settings more flexible. We are proud that this product became one of the best voting contest extensions for Joomla.During last year a new 5 payment plugins for Phoca Cart have been released. Phoca Cart is a new e-commerce extension for Joomla. Our plugins provide integration with the following payment services: Stripe, 2Checkout, Authorize.net, Yandex Kassa and Robokassa. So, it makes this e-commerce extension easy-to-use for various markets.
We have developed another 2Checkout payment plugin for HikaShop - popular e-commerce shop for Joomla from French team Hikari.
JMB Tree module got its commercial version which is an absolutely new product with a new interface providing more features and allowing to manage menu items to display and coming with extra styles and a lot of settings. The Pro version is fully mobile friendly and can be used on various sites that have rich navigation structure.
Since we are using RD-Subscriptions as a subscription software, we have developed 3 add-ons for this extension: My profile module (it constructs user profile and makes the navigation easy), Products module to display latest products in various designs (Free and Pro version) and 2Checkout Inline payment plugin.
Also, NorrNext has sponsored JoomlaDay Russia 2017 and spoke there with a session related to global Joomla market (see report in Russian).
Visit site: https://www.norrnext.com
This brand appeared as an experimental project providing creative templates for 3rd party Joomla extensions to extend the design of existing sites.RoundTheme top products are templates for Kunena. However, starting from version 5.0 the template model has been changed to HMVC in Kunena 5.0 which made old templates for K4.0 incompatible to the new version. This circumstance caused a pause in releasing new templates in 2016. Fortunately, last year was very productive and we brought 9 high-quality templates for Kunena 5 that comes with creative design and extra features.
Also, we have updated all our Kunena extensions (modules and plugins) and make them compatible to latest Kunena version. As a bonus - all these extensions now are free.
Visit site: https://www.roundtheme.com
Now I continue working on our projects and have been preparing new products which will be announced when the time comes.
About author
Eugene has been a part of and worked in many of the web development roles over the years, taking on various projects. At the present moment, he is involved as a team manager working inside his personal projects. This blog is specifically dedicated to start-up businesses, team management, and how to maximize your success with Open Source ideology.